Get an iPad for $24! Um, but there's a catch

Get an iPad for $24! Um, but 
there\'s a catch
Now even we poor people can get in on the iPad fun! At first we thought this was an April Fool's joke, but no, these PixelPads are designed to give prospective App Store billionaires a realistic mockup of the iPad. It's a design aid that precisely matches the iPad's actual size, and includes a precision-printed grid with each square equaling 10 pixels on the iPad. That makes it easy to sketch out and simulate that chart-topping app they've been kicking around for a while now.
We're getting a kick out of the PixelPad's tech specs page, gently making fun of Apple while promoting its own product's utility. For example, the "display" is a "9.7-inch (diagonal) PAD-ambientlit matte widescreen Multi-Sketch display with integrated 10 PixelGrid." And hey, it includes a variety of "input devices," including a Sharpie marker, a roller ball pen, a mechanical pencil and a dozen crayons!
You're probably not an iPad designer, but if a shapely iPad replica including two 64-page legal pads for $24 (three 64-page refills are $21) isn't too expensive for you, it might be cool to carry a FakePad around, all done up in paper. It's a great conversation piece for contrarians. Meanwhile, the company says there are more pads on the way, covering a variety of cellphones and web formats.