We Have Found bin Laden’s Porn

Osama bin Laden lived for as long as five years in a compound with no internet or phone communications. He found ways to occupy his time.
Intelligence officials sifting through the contents of bin Laden’s captured hard drives have made quite the discovery. “The pornography recovered in bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan,” Reuters reports with an admirable deadpan, “consists of modern, electronically recorded video and is fairly extensive.” This is a great day for America.

If this is a CIA information operation — and how could it not be? — it’s the greatest one of all time. In public, bin Laden is the pious, self-proclaimed vanguard of a violent Islamic uprising. Alone in his compound, he’s beating it like it owes him cash.
Just to be That Guy, I tweeted at the Taliban’s English-language Twitter account what it makes of its old pal’s furtive encounters with himself. This is Internet Rule 34 to the Nth Degree.
Please make it gay porn,” tweets the Washington Times‘ national security correspondent, Eli Lake.
I recommend checking out the hashtag #binLadenpr0n. So much of al-Qaida lore is tailor-made for pornographic parody. I mean, Ayman Zawahiri’s book Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner? Mohamed Atta’s coded message about when the 9/11 attacks would take place? (“Two sticks, a dash, a cake with a stick down.”) Give us your best suggestion in the comments.