Remember those Terminator style augmented reality contacts we saw earlier this year? Well the team developing them has finally tested the first prototypes on some bunnies, and have declared the test to be a complete success.
Normal augmented reality systems use clunky glasses that make it hard to do other things, but these new contact lenses promise to make the glasses obsolete.
The lenses get both their signal and power wirelessly, allowing them to sit on the surface of the eye just like normal contacts. The first version tested uses just a single pixel per lens, so now the next step is to develop a higher-rez version. Then they can show the rabbits some Bugs Bunny cartoons, which should hold their interest a bit better than a single boring pixel.
Eventually, the researchers say that augmented realty lenses will allow you to read email, or follow navigation system directions without taking your eyes off the road. Perhaps you could even get through boring meetings at work by watching a little undercover TV.
New Scientist, via Pocket Lint