Gorgeous iSlate design guess: reed-thin, button-free

Gorgeous iSlate design guess: reed-thin, button-free

As a crowd of tech companies roll out tablets at the upcoming CES 2010, lurking underneath will be Apple's alleged iSlate tablet. Rumors swirl everywhere, and now here's yet another concept of what the actual Apple tablet might be like. That is, if it even exists, or if it will be actually be introduced on January 26 at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco.

We're hoping this 10-incher is the real thing. It trumps many of the other design concepts we've seen, differing in its absence of any buttons whatsoever. Steve Jobs hates buttons — so this design seems to have a ring of truth about it. Could this be close to the actual iSlate we might see at the end of this month?