10 awesome pics by fans who accidentally crashed Jedi set in '82

10 awesome pics by fans who accidentally crashed Jedi set in '82

All of the Dark Knight Rises set leaks notwithstanding, it's harder than ever for fans to get anywhere near the set of a major motion picture. If it's a sequel to two of the most beloved sci-fi films of all time, it's impossible. But once upon a time, a band of Star Warsfans stumbled upon the Jedi shoot and snapped proof of their visit.

In the spring of 1982, a fella named Mike Davis gathered a bunch of friends and decided to investigate a chunk of southern California desert called Buttercup Valley, where they'd heard that a new sci-fi film called Blue Harvest: Horror Beyond Imagination was filming.
When they got there, they discovered Jabba the Hutt's pleasure barge, R2-D2 without his lid on and Princess Leia relaxing in the sun. Not a bad day for a bunch of fans and their pre-digital cameras.
For even more photos, and the full story behind Davis' desert adventure, head over here. PHOTOS