Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit director Peter Jackson has just made a new thrilling production video available to all of us Middle-earth fans. This time, we're being plunged into the world of 3-D, and we get to see those dwarves and hobbits in action.
The fourth production video blog Jackson recently made available on his Facebook page mainly concentrates on the intricacies of filming in HD 3-D with about four dozen RED Epic cameras, which, as you'll see for yourselves, Jackson has all named—yes, named—after family members, pets and even the Beatles.
Peter Jackson says shooting The Hobbit in 3-D is ''a dream come true,'' and we learn that the Oscar-winning director would have filmed LOTR in 3-D if the same technology had been available back when he set out to film his masterpiece more than 12 years ago.
The very interesting (if fairly technical) production blog also features some nifty behind-the-scenes footage (while filming was taking place on a soundstage) and a look at some very cool scenes taken straight from the Tolkien book—namely something that happens in the very sinister Mirkwood forest (cocoons and spider webs, everyone!).
We also get to see Gandalf (Sir Ian McKellen), Bilbo (Martin Freeman), Elrond (Hugo Weaving), Frodo (Elijah Wood) and the company of dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage) in action; sprinkled with a few wood elves, more of Bag End, and is that Rivendell we spy?
Another really cool part of Jackson's production video blog is to see renowned Tolkien illustrators Alan Lee and John Howe—who are once again providing all the amazing art for the film—realizing some pretty cool 3-D illustrations. If you've got some 3-D glasses tucked away somewhere, you should run and get them to see the awesome 3-D effect of one of their drawings (we should rather say TWO drawings).
Next time, we'll get a look at filming on location in New Zealand. We. Can't. Wait. How about you?
Part one, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, is set to hit theaters on Dec. 14, 2012. Part two, titledThe Hobbit: There and Back Again, will be in theaters on Dec. 13, 2013. LINK