Cheapest flight to space yet is still a whopping $95,000

Cheapest flight to space yet is still a whopping $95,000
I've gotta give Xtraordinary Adventures credit for bringing the price of a flight to space down from the $200,000 Virgin Galactic is planning on charging. But still, $95,000 is a wee bit out of my price range.
The company is now booking flights into space, which will begin in 2012, on its Lynx reusable space vehicle. You'll need to cough up a $20,000 deposit if you want to make a reservation, and you'll need to go through a four-day training period and two-day brief before the flight. It all sounds so wild and adventurous! Cut a couple of zeros off that price and we'll have a deal.

Xtraordinary Adventures via Technabob