Will Jeff Bridges' next sci-fi sequel be Starman 2?

Will Jeff Bridges' next sci-fi sequel be Starman 2?
Now that Jeff Bridges is all done with Tron: Legacy, is there any other sci-fi sequel he'd like to attack? Turns out that if the actor had his way, he'd revisit the events of 1984's Starman next.
When asked what other characters he'd like to revisit a la Kevin Flynn, Bridges replied:
"The Dude [from The Big Lebowski] would be nice, I don't think that's in the cards. Starman, I always wondered what happened there? That's kind of set up. Karen Allen is preggers. She's got that little ball and stuff. What's up with that? You know what I mean."
You can watch the complete interview below.
Of course, none of this means that there's a Starman 2 in the works ... yet. Because considering Bridges could very well walk away with an Oscar next year—though for True Grit, not Tron: Legacy—we wouldn't be surprised if Hollywood is listening.
(via HitFix)