OpenTablet 7

Thoroughly infected with tablet fever, we're intrigued with OpenPeak's 1.15-pound OpenTablet 7. It's packing the shiny new Intel Moorestown platform underneath its right-sized 7-inch LED-backlit multi-touch screen, along with 802.11b/g/n WiFi, Bluetooth and 3G connectivity.

Here's the thing: If this baby can take advantage of the Moorestown platform's riches, it'll be capable of 720p video recording and 1080p playback. Now you're talking.

And what's that? An HDMI port, letting us mainline HD video into our home theater system? Yeah, this isreally what we want in a tablet. A bright touchscreen color reader with a PC processor inside, easily portable or parked in the home theater for some nighttime HD video viewing. This slim 5mm thick tablet is calling out to us.