US Air Force gets a migraine from Sony's latest PS3 update

US Air Force gets a migraine from
 Sony\'s latest PS3 update
Don't you hate it when you install new firmware for some electronic device, and the resulting changes actually make it less functional? Now imagine that you're the US Air Force, and a Sony firmware update makes the 1,700 PlayStation 3s you hooked up together to form a 500 TeraFLOP processing cluster redundant.
That's right, rather than going with some ultra overpriced proprietary computing platform, the US Air Force has been experimenting with lashing together hundreds of PS3s to harness their cheap computing power. The only problem is that their systems run on a Linux platform, which is no longer supported by the latest firmware.
The Air Force PS3 clusters aren't hooked up to the PlayStation Network, (thank goodness), so the firmware SNAFU crops up only when an individual console needs to be replaced or repaired. Sony automatically updates the firmware when a system is sent in for repair, and this has led to a lawsuit claiming that the returned consoles no longer have the functionality they offered when they were originally sold.