After woes caused by the iPhone 4's antenna, its sketchy reception, Apple's fluctuating stock price and a mess of other problems, there is a growing demand for the company to recall the iPhone 4. The question is, do you want a new one?
It's gotten so bad that industry analysts are actually calling a recall of the iPhone 4 inevitable.
"Apple will be forced to do a recall of this product," Professor Matthew Seeger, the head of the Department of Communication at Wayne State University in Detroit, told Cult of Mac. "It's critically important. The brand image is the most important thing Apple has. This is potentially devastating."
He's not alone, either. Larry Burton, an expert on crisis management, agrees: "Apple needs to put this fire out now. There has to be a military-like response to this issue. And we have not seen this kind of urgency."
Apple has responded to the iPhone 4's seemingly poor reception by saying it may in fact be worse than the phone says it is. Then again, we see plenty of comments here on the site from people saying they like their iPhone 4 just fine, and others still who aren't happy.
So we're asking you: do you want an iPhone 4 recall? Sound off in the comments, and be sure to vote on our poll directly below.
Cult of Mac, via RegHardware