Frak me! Teen geniuses build their own BSG Viper simulator

When I think back to the things I used to do in high school—and then look at this gaggle of students who took it upon themselves to design, fabricate and assemble a workingBattlestar Galactica Viper flight simulator—I can only come to the conclusion that I was clearly doing something wrong.

Or, it's possible that I'm just not as smart as these San Rafael, Calif., kids—John Boyer, Alex Jacobson, Joseph DeRose, Sam Frank and Sam DeRose, who range in grade from 8th to high school senior—who decided that the perfect entry for a local Maker Faire would be a Viper simulator built from the fuselage of a Piper and mounted on a motion-control platform that'll allow 360-degree rotation on both the pitch and roll axes.
Yes, these kids will either run the world or create the robots who will destroy the world. Either way, it's probably good to start sucking up to them now.