Researchers turn prosthetics into musical instruments

We've already touched upon the notion that prosthetics are slowly moving from straightforward medical assistance devices to augmentations to the human form. Furthering that notion is a new project that transforms human prosthetics into fully interactive musical instruments.
Developed by researchers at the McGill University's Input Devices and Music Interaction Lab, Instrumented Bodies is a project that fuses digital technology, 3D printing, and modern dance into a seamless mix of data and artistry. The prosthetic instruments, which range from head-mounted visors to circuitry-laced rib cages to artificial spines, allow the dancers wearing them to use the embedded sensors to wirelessly trigger music in conjunction with their movements.
The various configurations often look like something from the inside of a Borg cube, but when utilized by the dancers, the devices take on a more artistic form. After three years of development, the entire process of making the prosthetic instruments, from fabrication, to testing, to live performance testing can now be viewed in a short 14-minute documentary that you can watch below.
Via Adafruit