U.S. Army will have its Iron Man suits in four years

When the U.S. Army announced earlier this year that it was going to develop a real life Iron Man suit called TALOS, we were impressed. But now project lead Michael Fieldson is giving us a glimpse at TALOS' deployment timeline. If he gets his way, TALOS suits could be undergoing field tests in only four years.
That's one heck of a short timeline, considering some of the tech that will be going into the TALOS suit. Originally thought to be something soldiers would have to wait until 2032 to get their hands on, TALOS will increase the strength and mobility of its wearer while also keeping them safe from enemy fire.
But don't think of this suit as simply a Kevlar vest duct taped to the jaws of life. To keep its wearer safe, TALOS will be equipped with liquid armor capable of hardening into a bulletproof surface when exposed to an electric current. Sensors in the armor would also monitor its wearer's vitals and provide hydration and life support. TALOS will also come equipped with night vision and a Google Glass-esque HUD, which will feed its wearer live battleground information.
If Fieldson gets his way, TALOS will have its manufacturing contracts in place by next fall, with field tests as early as 2017. He's even roped in dozens of industry partners to work together toward his goal of a zero-casualty Army. That's a lofty goal, but if anything can safeguard soldiers in the field it's suits worthy of Iron Man.
Armed With Science, via Sploid