Would you live in an 8-by-40-foot shipping container that’s been to China and back?
young real estate developers in Washington, D.C., say their new
apartment building of converted steel hulks, once used to haul cargo
across oceans, has people lined up to move in.
“It was a great
feeling to know that … we could repurpose these and that we could put
them into this use and the finished product is going be beautiful,” said
Sean Joiner, who is behind the project with business partner Matthew
If the idea of living inside an 11,000 pound box of steel
doesn’t sound “beautiful,” Joiner and Grace say the completed space will
be convincing.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?”
Joiner said. “A lot of people would argue that living in a steel glass
building, people pay a lot of money for that, right? That's what this
The three-story building, made of 18 repurposed containers, will have all the amenities of a standard apartment structure.