In the future, our cars will look like melted gumdrops

In the future, our cars will look
 like melted gumdrops
Well, here it is, folks. Portuguese designer Tiago Alves has melted down car design just about as far as it will go, and all we're left with now is a blob of a car. Another one of those fancy Peugeot designs, his is called the Nimble, and he's made it so it can turn all 360 degrees on a dime.
From the designer:
The Peugeot 1001 intends to be a compact and nimble vehicle, conceived for short travels, clearly a City Car. The vehicle's body rests on four equal spheres, sized approximately 350mm diameter, each one driven by two electric motors, magnetically coupled, allowing easy and free movements in all directions, including 360° rotation around itself, even on travelling.
There's another shot of the Nimble right below. So, who's hungry for some candy, now?