Price War Between ATI and NVIDIA Starts

The IT industry is already in an uproar after NVIDIA, and its manufacturing partners, practically flooded the market with an entire stream of GeForce GTX 460 video cards. This newcomer is NVIDIA's first mainstream offer and has been quite well received by reviewers. Also, for ATI loyalists, such an event usually sets the stage for price cuts. A recent report suggests that this is exactly what has begun to occur now that an actual competition has sparked up.

According to what Fudzilla managed to uncover, online retailers have begun to cut down on the price tags of a variety of AMD Radeon HD 5800 series video boards. For instance, a British retailer reduced the tag of the HD 5850 to 239 Euro, and even Amazon has listings with 243 Euro prices, though they aren't yet selling. Models at $299 are available though. LINK