What Keeps Google Awake at Night?

Google's social network Google+ is showing astounding growth. In just 26 days, the beta service claims 18 million registered users. It's taking off on mobile platforms, too. The Google+ iPhone app hit the No. 1 spot in the App Store within 24 hours of its release.
The main challenge Google faces is keeping the momentum going – and keeping the magic number of 10 percent of users returning and engaged. That's the common industry benchmark of success.
Engagement and avoiding churn are the same challenges all social properties share. Media properties face them, too. It’s not enough to get people in the door. The trick is to keep them inside.

Early engagement appears stellar for Google+. Check out this link -- showing an active tracking of hangouts.
Can Google keep it up? Signs are positive, but our IT pros and editors are taking a long look at how Google+ deploys. Soon there will be more apps. Here's perspective from some teamBYTE editors and contributors who've been using Google+ and testing it since its launch. I'm one -- I'm all about fresh beginnings, you know. LINK