Awesome fan video turns Walking Dead's Daryl into Indiana Jones

Awesome fan video turns Walking Dead's Daryl into Indiana Jones

We all know Daryl (Norman Reedus) on The Walking Dead is a badass. But what if he was a zombie-killing anime Indiana Jones wannabe on the hunt for a mythical crossbow?
Luckily for us, 13-year-old animator Nick Mastrangelo decided to find out, and created a bloody animated musical adventure starring Daryl roaming the post-apocalypse. He's also on the hunt for a crossbow that can apparently shoot about a dozen arrows at once.

With flames flying everywhere and a soundtrack of heavy metal music, this is probably the coolest and craziest thing you'll see all day. It also has the vibe of an '80s videogame. One that, considering all the gore, could never have been released at the time.
Check out the video below.
Now, can we please get an animated Walking Dead spinoff? Preferably based on this slice of purely awesome insanity? Thanks.