Finally! Here's our very first intriguing look at Dany's new man in her life: Daario Naharis.
Okay, so not new, new, but the actor's new so ...
The pictures were taken while the fourth season of Game of Thrones was filming at the Klis Fortress in Croatia. The snapshots provide us with our very first little peek at actor Michiel Huisman (Treme, World War Z) in the role of Daario Naharis.
If you'll recall, the role had been recast recently, though no reasons were given for that … change of heart.
Now, just squint a bit, and you can see Huisman here, seen in his new costume as a Tyroshi swellsword (it's markedly different from Ed Skrein's) and has—thankfully—forgone the more blondish wig with braids that Skrein had been wearing (which quite a few fans hated with a passion—and no, we are not giving names) as Daario, and is now sporting a beard.
However, there appears to be no sight of Daario's trademark daggers—the ones that have naked women sculpted in the hilts. Is Daario in disguise here? Food for thought.
As well as Michiel Huisman, the new set pics also show Emilia Clarke as Daenerys a.k.a. The Mother of Dragons, Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei and Ian McElhinney as Barristan Selmi.
Have a look at the pics below, and let us know how you like Daario's new look. Do you think Michiel Huisman will be a good fit for the flamboyant (at least in the books) sellsword and the object of Dany's lust?
Game of Thrones season four returns in the spring of 2014 on HBO. PHOTOS
(via Winter Is Coming)