Bullet-time rig made from 130 HTC One smartphones

To demonstrate the power of its Snapdragon processor, Qualcomm has set up a bullet-time rig made up of 130 HTC One smartphones.

You may not know the technique by name, but you've most likely seen the results of bullet-time photography. Popularized by movies like "The Matrix," it involves a rig of cameras in a circular configuration that are fired simultaneously, capturing the same shot of a subject from multiple angles.
There have been plenty of impressive examples of bullet-time photography before: fromlight painting to a DIY Polaroid rig and even a Land Rover ad for good measure.

The results are reasonably impressive, although we can't help but think it would have been useful to be able to set each phone's exposure manually, as the automatic exposures do shift quite a lot when the angle of light changes. See some of the results in the video below.What's special about the Qualcomm rig is that it consists of 130 HTC One smartphones that cover 540 degrees. The end result is an animated GIF that simulates movement around the subject in the center of the rig.
(Source: CNET Australia)