Imagine a metropolis where a hilltop sports club that looks like a spaceship oversees the cityscape. Where you can climb the world's tallest building up a spiral three miles long. Where skyscraper-high "bubbles" teeming with fish loom over a Disney park (pictured).
That alternate universe could have existed. It was dreamed of, and planned -- but rejected.
In these never-realized proposals of architects, designers and other dreamers, you'll get a rarepeek at an alternate universe. A Jetsons-style monorail zooms locals around town. The entire civic center is designed by legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
This could be Anywhere, U.S.A. Every major city has a rejected landscape littered with dozens of enormous projects never green-lighted. But visionaries seem especially drawn to Los Angeles as their lodestar -- and maybe L.A. squelches more than its fair share of dreams, too.
We're delighted to bring you some of the most intriguing features from a museum show that ends this weekend. (At the bottom of this post, you can see the video that helped this project get funded on Kickstarter.)
These unique visions help us dive into the minds of those who proposed them, and those who rejected them. Maybe you'll lament the bold designs lost to shortsighted public officials -- or maybe you'll be thankful they were dodged.
Who wants a hotel in the middle of the ocean, anyway?