The new GoPro Hero3+ Black edition is lighter, smaller and shoots better quality footage than any GoPro has before. The geniuses at GoPro have also improved the camera's optics, sharpening its resolution by 33 percent. Battery life has also been improved by up to 30 percent. Surely that's all the improvement a single plus symbol could signify, but there's more.
In addition to these hardware improvements, the Hero3+ also comes with some pretty awesome new features. First, there's the new 1080p "SuperView" mode, which allows you to watch footage shot in a 4:3 aspect ratio in a more dramatic 16:9 view. Second, the Hero3+ has a new auto low-light mode which should improve visuals in changing light levels by actively adjusting its frame rate. Not to be left out of the improvements, the new camera's Wi-Fi connection is four times faster, solving a significant annoyance.
The GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition will run you $399 from GoPro's website and is available now. If that's a little steep for your budget, the Silver Edition has also been improved, and can be snatched up for $299. It's also a great time to snap up one of the almost-as-good previous edition Hero3s, which have just gotten some substantial price cuts.
GoPro, via Engadget