MightyCarma’s Aura smart dock makes driving less deadly

I don’t know exactly how many people get into smartphone-induced accidents accident every week, but the relevant statistic is that I almost always very nearly do. Connectivity addition is a serious problem, which is why it’s most definitely illegal to try to use your phone while driving, unless you’re using a hands-free system. If you’ve got a fancy car that integrates all that stuff, then good for you, but the rest of us are stuck with our old Volvos that come with tape decks instead of Bluetooth.

MightyCarma’s Aura smartphone dock is a way to use most of the capabilities on your phone without having to either hold it in your hand or secretly poke at it in your lap. The dock puts the phone (anything that runs Android) up on your dashboard, and includes a little wireless remote that interacts with an app to give you control over commonly used functions like maps, dashcam-style photos and videos, texting and calling, and just about anything that you can activate using your phone’s integrated voice control.

Eventually, Aura may offer additional service plans including cloud connectivity, driving analysis, teenage driver mode, and additional camera features. Plus, there’s an API that will allow for third party development.
Getting in on the Kickstarter early will let you snag an Aura for $80, which is a heck of a lot cheaper than a ticket or an accident. It also comes with a 12v adapter with dual USB ports to charge whatever’s in the dock plus something else, which is a nice touch. See how it works in the video below.
Kickstarter, via MightyCarma