For troops on the march, making sure you have enough power in the field has always been a challenge. Typically it means a lot of heavy generation equipment, fuel and batteries. If there's a stream nearby, however, one soldier can carry an entire power plant on his back.
Bourne Energy's newest system — the Backpack Power Plant-Type 2 or BPP-2 — is a portable a hydrokinetic power plant that weighs just 25 pounds. Once deployed, it taps into any flowing body of water to generate power.
How much power? Read on.
Each BPP-2 generates about 600 watts. But if everyone in the whole platoon is carrying one of these things, they can put them together in arrays that generate up to 20 kilowatts — roughly seven times what a typical house would need to operate. And since the system consumes no fuel, it has no detectable heat or exhaust emissions. It can even be anchored to a river bottom while submerged, becoming totally invisible.
The BPP-2 measures only 3 feet in length and breaks down into three big parts, and comes with an optional lightweight armor package.