We're always on the lookout for USB sticks with magical powers of growth and rebirth, and at the same time are constantly amused by quacking wordsmiths spewing medical jargon. That's why we uttered a great gasp of WTF as we heard news of the T Power USB stick sweeping the Web today, making us wonder if someone in Europe decided to sell a $5 USB drive for $58.
We're trying to figure out how this thing reduces eye strain, enhances circulation, makes onions grow, what else it's able to cure, and whether we might be able to catch a buzz from it. So we decided to have a contest, giving away a sweet pair of V-Moda Remix Remote earphones (worth $99.99) to whoever comes up with the most likely and/or humorous explanation for this miraculous remedy.
Post your story in the comments. Our editorial team will pick the best story, and by the end of the day tomorrow, we'll publish the winner on DVICE (Entrant rules below). Be sure to enter your real e-mail address so we can contact you. Good luck!