Thing 1. The beloved Firefox browser has arrived on the Android platform.
Thing 2. It's now confirmed, Android 2.2 will include full support for Adobe Flash.
Firefox Mobile is now available in the earliest of iterations; they're calling it pre-alpha. If you're running Android version 2.0 or above, and feel like volunteering as a guinea pig, you can now download it and take part in what could devolve into a crash-o-rama. Exciting stuff — can't wait to see Firefox available on one of our favorite mobile platforms.
We're not sure when Android 2.2 will be available — there's no release date announced yet. But when it is, the iPhone can't be far behind with its full support of Adobe Flash. That Android 2.2 update, also known as Froyo, better arrive post haste, before Flash becomes completely irrelevant.
Still rooting for the iPhone? Well, if the phenomenally popular Opera Mini browser was allowed into the sacred App Store, could Firefox Mobile be far behind?