Flexible crosswalk lights that wrap around trees are a no brainer

Flexible crosswalk lights that wrap around trees are a no brainer

Bustling urban metropolises require a good amount of crosswalk lights to be installed everywhere for pedestrian safety, but they could stand to use a lot more trees. This flexible LED crosswalk light that can be fastened around a tree could kill two birds with one stone.

Dubbed the "Wearable Signal," its Korean designers, Gisung Han, Hwanju Jeon, and Jaemin Lee are proposing that their crosswalk signal is an eco-friendly way to managing street traffic. Due to its flexible nature, the solar-powered Wearable Signal can be wrapped around any cylindrical pole — mainly trees in the designer's proposal plans.
Not only would the LED panels be self-sustainable (they might still need to look into storing power for when night time roles around), but all the added trees in the city would generate more oxygen leading to cleaner and fresher air.
We like the Wearable Signal very much and think it's a simple plan that's actually feasible. Wouldn't you like to see these lights along with more trees spring up in your city? PHOTOS
Via Yanko Designs