Owners of the Samsung Galaxy Tab have so far waited pretty patiently for Google to upgrade the tablet from Froyo (a not-so-tablet-friendly version of Android) to Gingerbread. But it would seem one developer got a little too impatient waiting for the update, so got to work adding Android 2.3 themselves.
XDA Developers Forum member “Technomancer” managed to devise a hack that allows the Samsung GalaxyTab to successfully run Gingerbread. All the hack takes is one downloadable file and an unprotected bootloader that can run Euro ROMs. Sadly, it appears to be a little fiddly.
There are minimal instructions on how to run this hack so is best left to more confident tinkerers. It is also still a little buggy, with only basic functions like WiFi, voice calls and 3G data and GPS working fully for most. Though Technomancer and the XDA crew are currently working on the bugs, so stay tuned for an even more stable update or at least make a backup.