Not many people would use the word "transparent" to describe cement. But transparent cement made its debut at theItalian Pavilion during the World Expo last year in Shanghai, and its qualities are pretty remarkable.

The complete process has not been revealed by manufacturer Italcementi, but the technology is based on a matrix of cement embedded with resins that are designed to allow a certain amount of light through without compromising the material's integrity.

Trademarked as i.light, the substance created by Italcementi to fit the desires of architect Giampaolo Imbrighi contains multicolored resins that fill 2 to 3 millimeter holes that look like rectangular slats. These resins react allow soft light to fill the building's interior -- a potential cost savings on energy bills, since the need for artificial lighting is reduced. The result is about 20 percent transparency for the building.

(The company also makes a "thermal cement" designed to keep buildings cool in the summer and warm in the winter, and a "smog-eating cement" that abates air pollution.)

The i.light material is cheaper than using optical wires embedded in the cement, which is what other builders of “transparent cement” have used. Moreover, the resins can let more light through than fiber optic wires and they mesh easily with the cement mixture surrounding them.

During the day and when viewed upon head on, the Italian pavilion appeared similar a normal cement building. But from the inside, at night or when viewed at an angle, the building takes on an ethereal quality not characteristic of concrete. Though i.light has so far only been demonstrated in this building, its relatively low cost and potential for energy saving points towards a promising commercial future.

Among all the other eco-friendly green building options presented in Shanghai (see this New York Times article for more), see-through cement -- from the right angle -- stands out.