By 2050, washing machines will levitate

By 2050, washing machines will levitate

We've made an executive decision that it's not The Future™ until everything, everything can fly. Flying cars? Sure. Flying people? Totally. Flying washing machines? It simply won't be the The Future™ without them.

This is a concept for the washing machine of 2050. No only does it float in midair, it doesn't even need any water to clean the color-coordinated, one-piece fitted jumpsuits that we'll all be wearing by then. Called the Orbit, Elie Ahovi's design is a sphere that levitates inside a ring using superconducting electromagnets cooled by liquid nitrogen. Once it's airborne, the sphere (which has your clothes inside) can agitate and spin very efficiently in complete silence without any vibration. Meanwhile, jets of CO2 are used inside the sphere to cryogenically clean your clothing without any soap or water, and the whole thing is controlled by a slick touchscreen interface.
We certainly applaud all of the Orbit's features, but by 2050, we're pretty sure that everyone will be wearing 100% disposable clothes that double as touchscreens, communicators, energy harvesters, self-protection systems, emergency flotation devices, and food, rendering washing machines obsolete. In the unlikely event that we're wrong, however, we'll be looking forward to watching the Orbit do its thing when it's made real 28 years from now.
Have a look at more renderings in the gallery below. PHOTOS