Dark Knight Rises press release reveals a casting rumor was true

Dark Knight Rises press release reveals a casting rumor was true

We've been hearing that a certain former Dark Knight player would be back for the final installment, and now we know for sure. So who else is signed on for The Dark Knight Rises?
Not too surprisingly, Cillian Murphy (Dr. Jonathan Crane/The Scarecrow) is officially inThe Dark Knight Rises, though we don't know as to what extent.

In a press release touting the European premiere of the film, Murphy is included in the cast list of those set to appear:
Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Liam Neeson, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Cillian Murphy, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine.
Murphy has been singing the praises of Christopher Nolan recently, so it's not much of a stretch to learn he's officially involved in the final film. But now we're definitely curious to see how big of a role he'll play this time around.
The Dark Knight Rises open July 20.
(Via HeyUGuys)