Looks like new RoboCop design is more different than we thought

Looks like new RoboCop design is more different than we thought 
Just when we were getting used to that new RoboCop costume, the robotic rug seems to have been pulled out from under us. Apparently, our human-officer-turned-cyborg is going through more regenerations than a Gallifreyan Time Lord, and we've got the first glimpse of the suit right here.

It looks like, rather than taking a more human approach, the final version will see a turn for an even more heavily armored and machine-like RoboCop. Here's that first image so you can take a gander for yourself.
So the helmet has been redesigned, the hands will be covered, and the whole look seems to have been beefed up a bit. Looks to us as though the film is trying more to court fans of Halo than fans of the original.
What do you think?
(via Comic Book Movie)