Usually, iPhone docks are pretty interchangeable. A dock charges up your iPhone. Maybe it has some speakers. Maybe it has some other nifty feature that made you want to buy it. But the Lumawake iPhone dock has a whole bunch of nifty features to entice you.
Lumawake is designed as a bedside companion. It has an infrared motion sensor on it that watches you while you sleep, but not in a creepy way. Combined with an app, it tracks your sleep patterns and generates reports from the results.
The sleep-tracking ties in with a Smart Wake function. It determines when you're sleeping lightly near your wake-up time and slowly turns on LEDs to simulate sunrise. If that doesn't work to wake you up, a back-up alarm will sound to roust you from your bed.
Sleep cycle tracking is nothing new, but the nice part of Lumawake is that you don't have to wear anything or have any devices in bed with you.
Lumawake still needs funding to will itself into existence. New restrictions on hardware on Kickstarter led Lumawake to run its own crowdfunding campaign through Selfstarter. It's closing in on $40,000 towards a $150,000 goal with 28 days left to go. Backers can reserve a dock for $149.Your credit card won't be charged until the device actually ships, in case you're concerned about it making it to market.
All this sleep tracking stuff is pretty cool, but my favorite feature is the Lumawake's ability to sense when the iPhone is near and then light up to guide it home. No more docking in the dark.