Video of dog dressed as Bantha from Star Wars will melt your heart

Video of dog dressed as Bantha from Star Wars will melt your heart
Can we all just admit that when an animal gets dressed up in any manner of outfit, we, as a society, must stop everything and bear witness to it? Because we've got video of a pug wearing an adorable Bantha outfit that you need to see right now.

Oh, Bantha pug. How do we love thee? Let us count the ways. From your smushed-up face to your sassy outfit all the way to the toy Sand Person sitting on top of you ... Bantha Pug, you are the picture of perfection.

Well done, Star Wars Chick, who is responsible for this video. You made everyone's collective day. Oh, and, if you need more, see that same pug dressed as a Wampa.

(via Topless Robot)