Enlarge PhotoIn the clash of the world's supercomputing titans, a new U.S. supercomputer named "Titan" is king.
The $100-million Titan seized the No. 1 supercomputer ranking on the Top500 List
with a performance record of 17.59 petaflops per second (quadrillions
of calculations per second). The supercomputer, a Cray XK7 system based
at Tennessee's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, leaped past the former
champion, the Sequoia supercomputer at California's Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory.
The top five supercomputers in the world are:
- Titan Cray XK47 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (17.59 petaflops/s)
- Sequoia BlueGene/Q at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (16.33 petaflops/s)
- Fujitsu's K computer at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science in Kobe, Japan (10.51 petaflops/s)
- The Mira BlueGene/Q computer at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Ill. (8.16 petaflops/s)
- The JUQUEEN BlueGene/Q computer at the Forschungszentrum Juelich in Germany. (4.14 petaflops/s)
Sequoia's 1,572,864 computing cores actually outnumber Titan's 560,640 cores, but not all computing cores are created equal. Titan draws 90 percent of its performance from having 261,632 of NVIDIA's new K20x accelerator cores.
The NVIDIA accelerator cores use the same graphics processing unit (GPU) technology that drives graphics cards for displaying video games. GPUs run tasks on many different "threads" that may run slower than traditional threads on central processing units (CPUs), but GPUs make up for that by running many more threads simultaneously.
GPU-driven supercomputers will become even more crucial in building the
next generation of "exascale" supercomputers that would work 1,000
times faster than today's supercomputers. That's because GPUs use far
less energy than the CPUs that have traditionally driven computing.
Titan used the new Tesla K20x accelerators to achieve an energy
efficiency of 2,142.77 megaflops per watt (million calculations per
second per watt), enough to also rank Titan No. 1 on the Green500 list
of the world's most energy-efficient supercomputers. LINK