Remember your pet forever by turning him into diamond jewelry

Remember your pet forever by turning him into diamond jewelry
Few things are sadder than losing a beloved family pet, but now you can keep Fido's memory alive forever by turning him into diamond jewelry.

DNA2Diamonds takes samples of your pet's hair, and puts it through a complex 70 day process that involves 3,600 degree F temperatures and pressures approaching one million PSI, and eventually, man-made ex-pet diamonds come out the other side. A diamond cutter then takes the rough diamond and creates a gem of your choosing, so you can wear Tibbles for the rest of eternity as a ring or brooch or whatever else strikes your fancy. Nothing at all creepy about that, right?
Prices range from around $2,700 to $17,000 depending on the size and color of rock you want. That might sound like a lot, but for some people no amount is too much when it comes to their pets.

Wall Street Journal, via Born Rich