Earlier this month, YouTube announced that it was shutting down. Fortunately, it was all part of an elaborate April Fool's ruse. So let's take a moment to celebrate a new milestone for the video-sharing giant with the video below.
As you can see, the video shows a 20 second clip of a guy at a zoo and it's called "Me at the zoo." There's really nothing too special about this short video, so why does it have over ten million views on YouTube?
Well, it was shot by Yakov Lapitsky and features Internet entrepreneur and YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim talking briefly about elephant trunks. Oh, and it was also the very first video to be uploaded to YouTube, ever.
That happened on April 23, 2005 — exactly eight years ago today and YouTube is still going strong. To celebrate YouTube's eighth year, go ahead and upload your very own arbitrary video just because you can.
Via YouTube