The 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds Based on Biting and Fatality Statistics

 We wish we could say that all dog breeds were safe.  We wish we could say that every time a dog attacks a human, another dog, or another animal wasn’t said dog’s fault.  But remember folks, dogs are animals first and foremost just like we humans are.  And some animal species are inherently more dangerous than other species.  It’s just the way it is.  We’re not posting this article to discourage you from buying these dog breeds.  We just want to make you aware of the statistics out there.  The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association conducted a twenty year study on the most dangerous dog breeds, and here are the top 10 most dangerous dog breeds based on the amount of fatalities they have caused.  We should also note that NONE of these breeds are really all that dangerous and don’t be afraid to purchase any of them…… LINK