If you want the fastest LTE, you should move to South Korea. Earlier this week, South Korea's SK Telecom announced it would have 300 Mbps "3band-LTE-A" connections available by the end of the year capable of downloading full-length movies (800MB) in 22 seconds. That's pretty good, but not good as good as 5G.
By 2020, South Korea plans to have 5G connections in place with speeds 1,000 times faster than existing 4G speeds. On 5G, the same 800MB movie would only take a second to download. A single second. Think about that for a second. Time's up! You could have downloaded a movie just now! If we extrapolate that speed claim, entire Blu-rays would only take 5.12 seconds (4GB) to 15.36 seconds (12GB) to download. Even large files such as PS4 games would only require 25.6 seconds (20GB) to 38.4 seconds (30GB) to download.
Additionally, South Korea's science ministry claims the new 5G service will be accessible on bullet trains that travel faster than 310 miles per hour. Currently, wireless Internet can only be accessible on trains that top out at around 186 miles per hour. With 5G, even bullet train riders won't be able to escape from the Internet!
In any case, 5G speeds will be unbelievably awesome.
South Korea will begin trial tests for its planned 5G service in 2017 and a full rollout is expected by the end of 2020. As for when 5G speeds like will arrive in the U.S.? Probably not anytime soon.
We're not even midway through the decade and we're already excited for 2020. From self-driving cars to holographic TVs to next-gen Mars rover mission, 2020 already looks promising.
Via The Economic Times (India)