Japanese scientist wants you eat reconstituted poop burgers

Japanese scientist wants you eat reconstituted poop burgers
True sci-fi movie fans know all about the terrible secret ingredient revealed by Charlton Heston in Solylent Green, but one very real Japanese scientist has cooked up a new food with an even more horrific ingredient powered by science. (A word of caution, please don't read this before you've had breakfast.)

Mitsuyuki Ikeda, a researcher from the Environmental Assessment Center in Okayama, has developed a form of articial meat derived from human waste matter. Composed of 63% proteins, 25% carbohydrates, 3% lipids and 9% minerals, the scientist believes the artificial meat (termed by Ikeda as "sewage mud") could one day become a sellable alternative to the expensive process needed to produce and distribute real meat. You can see the poop burgers being made in the video below. LINK