Neal Stephenson Kickstarts CLANG Swordfighting Game

No, that's not Kane from C&C. It turns out the guy who wrote Snow Crash and Cryptonomicon is a gamer, and a picky one at that. Author Neal Stephenson has co-founded a company called the Subutai Corporation to create (among other things) CLANG, a PC arena dueling game that he says will finally do justice to the art of swordfighting. (I have a feeling he'd have a thing or two to say about melee combat in Skyrim.) Anyway, he's put together a hell of a Kickstarter video to sell us on the concept, and it includes an awesome cameo appearance (at the 3:00 mark) that's worth watching for by itself.

So what do you think? Are you interested in a swordfighting game that requires you to wield a physical, motion-tracking sword? Or will this inevitably make all those Wiimote-accident horror stories pale in comparison?