Nuke-Powered USS Enterprise Boldly Went Where No Aircraft Carrier Went Before

There isn't another active warship on the planet with a comparable legacy. The USS Enterprise first saw action during the Cuban Missile Crisis, tasked with stopping Soviet ships from reaching Fidel Castro's shores, and on November 4, returned to its Newport, Virginia home after supporting the Afghanistan war. In between, Enterprise participated in most of the major national-security events in its five decade history. Oh, and it made history as well: the Enterprise is the first ever nuclear aircraft carrier. There's a reason Gene Rodenberry named a certain Starfleet craft after her.
All that comes to a dignified conclusion Saturday December 1, when the Navy formally retires the USS Enterprise after 51 years of service. "Though CVN-65 will be 'inactivated', the Enterprise fighting spirit lives on in her crew and in their families -- past and present -- and in the remarkable legacy of service this ship has rendered this nation," says Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Navy's top information officer. Here are some highlights from the "Big E"s years at sea. PHOTOS