Daughter Discovers Dad’s Seven-Year Drawing of a Maze 30 Years Later

Many of us have found vintage items in our parents' storage spaces and wondered why they had kept the treasures locked away. Attics can be treasure troves, filled with memorabilia and items from the past -- many of which are no longer made. But what if you were to come across a piece of work that one of your parents had created, and you were so enthralled that you wanted others to experience it, too?

A woman in Japan made an incredible discovery that is going viral. Known to the world by her Twitter handle @KYA7Y (we'll just call her K), she found an intricate maze that her father had drawn on a 23-by-33-inch piece of paper 30 years ago. The maze was not just some doodle that her father had whipped up in a few days. He took seven years to complete it.
After K found the maze, she shared an image of it on Twitter. Lots of people saw it and shared it with their friends. From there, the photo was posted on Reddit, where it catapulted to international recognition.

People on Twitter and Reddit have a lot of questions about K's father. K responded by tweeting that her father works at a public university, where he is a janitor. Of course, puzzle enthusiasts around the world are competing to be the first to solve the complicated maze. Conquering it will likely be difficult, since it took nearly a decade for K's father to finish it. LINK