Awesomely minimalist clock literally uses batteries to tell time

Awesomely minimalist clock literally uses batteries to tell time
It doesn't get much more simple than this, folks. Or gorgeously spare. Called "The Front & Back," the minimalist clock is a design by The Wrong Objects and uses its own batteries as its hands to tell time. You just have to love a design that takes an object and boils it down to its most basic parts, and still makes it work.

According to The Wrong Objects, putting the batteries up front isn't a revolution in the clock world, but rather it's the most interesting thing to happen to batteries in a while. "Behind the clocks batteries always provide the power that allows clocks to work," the design team's blog states. "Batteries summon up courage to demand more a active relationship, willing to play the role of hands of a clock."

The big question, though, is which batteries you're going to use. It's a big decision now, after all. The Front & Back is just a concept at this time, but who knows? Maybe it'll find it's way onto a wall sometime in the future.