Even the games you buy from OnLive are really rentals

Even the games you <i>buy</i> from OnLive are really rentals
As promised, OnLive is going live this month. Right now, in fact. You could try it out for yourself if you wanted to. Early adopters get to enjoy the service (read: not the games) for free for a full year, and everyone else has to pay for admission. That's a little irksome — why punish people who weren't in the beta? — but it gets worse.

So, let's break this down. You pay both a fee for access to the service, as well as a fee for any rentals or game purchases you make. If you're already signed up for OnLive, that service fee is waived thanks to a sponsorship by AT&T. If you want to get in on it now, you'll have to shell out. [Read more...]