First Class will re-create X-Men's opening scene frame by frame

First Class will re-create X-Men's opening scene frame by frame

X-Men: First Class will be refilming a famous scene from the very first X-Men movie frame by frame, and it will be one of the most dramatic sequences of that film: The discovery, by a young Eric Lensherr (aka the future Magneto) that he is so much more than just an ordinary human being.
The powerful opening scene from the first X-Men movie took place in 1944 Nazi-occupied Poland and, according to Bleeding Cool, will be refilmed shot for shot (up to a point) with a few dramatic tweaks here and there, no doubt to allow the scene to fit in with the new movie.

Here's how the site described what we saw (and what we'll see again):
Picture this scene unfolding. Heavy rain drumming into a muddy puddle. Feet come splashing in from left of frame. A procession of people, none of them are in any kind of hurry ... indeed, they seem to be just tumbling along, some of the people maybe even resisting, being pushed forwards. The camera pans up, fades through black and we're climbing up a brick wall ...... the wall of a sentry station. The armed soldier within watches as a crowd progresses. A caption on screen reads Poland 1944. Cut to a tighter shot on the group, cowed, wet, broken, but always coming forwards.
Then we're in a close up on a man, limping forwards. He turns to his right and the camera pans with his gaze. He's flanking a teenage boy wearing fear and exhaustion on his face. The camera pans a little more to reveal a woman on the boy's other side. The boy and woman exchange a look that lasts only a moment, before they look away, back at the ground, back where they are walking. Back at their fate.
It's the very beginning of Bryan Singer's X-Men, and it's our introduction to the young Eric Lensherr, the boy who will later become Magneto, the mutant millitant leader.
There will of course be a few notable differences between the two scenes—with the first one being that the role of the young Magneto is now played by Bill Milner. As well, there will be some deviations that will have some very dramatic twists—twists that they are apparently keeping under wraps for now.
During the filming of the scene, director Matthew Vaughn used video references from the original sequence and kept it close by for the cast and crew in order to help them prepare for the shooting of this new sequence. The attention to details is apparently exhaustive.
So what do you think? Is it a good idea for X-Men: First Class to re-create this famous scene so as to create some sort of continuity?
X-Men: First Class is set to be released in theatres on June 3rd 2011.