Lost Planet 2 for the PC is literally unplayable

Lost Planet 2 for the PC is literally unplayable

Lost Planet 2, one of my favorite shooters this year, is finally out for the PC. Sort of. If you download it from Steam, like I did, you'll be able to boot it up and briefly admire the main menu screen before being prompted for your CD key. Which is easy enough to input, thanks to Steam's handy-dandy "copy to clipboard" button when you buy the game online.

At which point Games for Windows Live (a.k.a. the scourge of PC gaming) informs you there's a patch available. Ooh, goody! I love patches. They make stuff better. So after a quick download, you're prompted to exit the game so the patch can work its patch magic. A brief install later and you're starting up Lost Planet 2, ready to play as space Mexicans who hijack souped-up Jawa landcrawlers or ridiculously be-helmetted soldiers shooting giant bugs that leak delicious orange Slurpee.
Oh, a SecuROM prompt to put the correct disk in the disk drive. No problem, I probably just have the disk in there for another game. Hey, wait, I bought this on Steam. I don't even have a disk!
Nice move to all involved. Capcom treated the PC version of Resident Evil 5 like a red-headed stepchild, and now they're throwing Lost Planet 2 under the Games for Windows Live bus on its very first day.
Fortunately, Lost Planet 2 works just fine on the Xbox 360.