Special viewer adds 3D video to any iPhone

Special viewer adds 3D video to any iPhone

Viewmasters were fun entertainment 40 years ago, but these days most people get pretty bored looking at slides of the Grand Canyon. The My3D viewer from Hasbro promises to bring 3D to life, by adding 3D capabilities to any iPhone or iPod Touch.
Hasbro has partnered with some heavy hitting content providers including Dreamworks, the Discovery Network, Sony, and IMAX, to create special 3D apps just for the My3D. Hasbro says that the 3D content will include movie clips, behind the scenes videos, and games including a virtual scuba diving app for kids.
Best of all is that unlike those big dollar 3D TVs, the Hasbro My3D will only cost $30. Expect deliveries to start next spring.
Via iPod nn