Ultra Definition 3D TV is twice as sharp as HD

Ultra Definition 3D TV is twice as sharp as HD

Samsung called and they want to let you know that your Full HD 1080p 3D TV is looking a little aged. The Korean electronics giant has what looks to be the world's first 70-inch3D TV with a blistering resolution that is twice that of 1080p. We want to vomit in glee right now.

Not content with being capped with a resolution of 1920 x 1080, Samsung's 70-inch 3D TV wonder has a massive 3840 x 2160 resolution screen. The 3D TV has a refresh rate of 240Hz with new models that will feature 480Hz — we just peed a little. If not for the 3D, we think we'd get motion sickness.

So what are you going to be able to watch on this baby? Probably nothing that's not custom made to show off every pixel. A 1080p video upscaled just wouldn't do something like this justice, 3D or not. We want to play the new Call of Duty: Black Ops on this thing though.
There's no word on availability or pricing — it's all in the design phase right now after all, but within the next decade ultra definition will most likely become the new video resolution standard. Truly mind boggling stuff — who wants to see that booger stuck in your nose in ultra definition anyway? LINK